It's been over a week since we initiated the Green Living Co-op, and maybe some folks are wondering, "What happens now?" It's been a little quiet here on the blog, though our Facebook page is generating lots of conversation among like-minded people in the community!
I know that many of you are interested in 1) local produce, 2) pastured meats, and 3) organic foods & products. There also seems to be a lot of inquiry into a buying club. Please rest assured that our little team of two is looking into this, and we will definitely keep you posted! Hillary is hard at work making calls in between running her business and caring for her family. And Sara's gathering information for the blog pages, trying to post the resources you've given us in some sort of organized fashion, also while caring for her family. (I don't know how those professional bloggers do it all!)
While we've been working behind the scenes, I've often wanted to encourage us all with this thought:
"Don't make the perfect the enemy of the good."
I know for myself, it can become quite daunting to read foodie blogs, cookbooks like Nourishing Traditions,
and talk to friends who seem make almost everything from scratch. When I
first became interested in "real/traditional foods," it
was exciting at first, and then completely overwhelming. To pile on to my stress, I
began finding out that not everyone who is well-educated on nutrition follows with a "traditional foods" philosophy. (And if that's you,
please don't leave - we want you here, too!) Some people began to tell
me not to eat dairy, and some people advised me to avoid meat.
have come to accept that it's OK for us to have different approaches regarding diet,
and it's OK for us each to do what works for us.
It's also freeing to realize we can make changes anytime we want!
The reason this group is leaning toward a whole foods, full-on meat & dairy diet is merely because the two gals who had the idea and rolled with it are on that page. It's OK if you're not! Our goal is to help everyone connect with the local, natural foods available in our area and to learn from each other. We believe it's good for us, good for farmers, and good for the planet.
The reason this group is leaning toward a whole foods, full-on meat & dairy diet is merely because the two gals who had the idea and rolled with it are on that page. It's OK if you're not! Our goal is to help everyone connect with the local, natural foods available in our area and to learn from each other. We believe it's good for us, good for farmers, and good for the planet.
when you see me at the grocery store, you might see I am "shopping the horseshoe" more (meaning I am buying less from the middle of the store and more from the outer aisles of produce, meat and dairy), but you'll also see me buying potato chips, M&M's, and that completely unhealthy 12-pack of
soda! I have a long way to grow, and have learned we're all just taking baby steps on our own paths toward eating well. ;) We can
try our best, but we'll make ourselves really unhappy if we make
perfection the only acceptable way to live!
always, contact us anytime (greenlifeindiana at gmail dot com) with
your thoughts, suggestions, resources, and offers to help. We are all
ears and we need your input to make this co-op benefit as many people as